Connect Groups

There are many opportunities to meet new people and fellowship with other church members through our Connect Groups.  All are welcome.


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 A community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. The United Women in Faith (UWF) meet monthly on the 1st Monday at 4:00 pm in the Family Life Center. For more information contact Courtenay Bowman. [UWF will break from montlhy meetings for the summer months and resume in September]

View the embedded image gallery online at:

Click image to enlarge


UMM logo 1





Our Benn’s Church United Methodist Men organization is an organization of involved men of the church who are in a relationship with Jesus Christ and enjoy fellowship as well as supporting our church and community. We volunteer within Benn’s Church and participate in local area projects that assist those in need while we model our ministry of service to others. Our group meets monthly on the 4th Sunday for breakfast in the Family Life Center and a program about interesting and relevant events or programs in the Tidewater area. Come join us! For more information contact Bill Gill. 


CrossFlame CLR copy right   

The Pam Stagg Day Circle (UWF) meet monthly on the 4th Tuesday at 10:00 am - 12:00 pm in the Family Life Center (FLC).
For more information contact Mary Nancy Saunders.

UWF bring Birthday Joy to Community Neighbors!

Twenty-one birthday cake kits were prepared by our Women in faith Pam Stagg Day Circle to be donated to the COP. These beautiful kits will bring a smile to the faces of families in our community!

View the embedded image gallery online at:


Pam Stagg Day Circle Honors Benn's Church Preschool Teachers~2022

United Women in Faith Pam Stagg Day Circle put together Teacher Appreciation gift bags for our very own Benns Church Preschool teachers! We were very happy to deliver these Tuesday with love and appreciation.
UWF7 honoring teachersUWF 3 honoring teachersUWF honoring teachers1UWF honoring teachers2UWF honoring teachers5  UWF honoring teachers 4


Pam Stagg Day Circle Honors Members

In recent months, the Pam Stagg Day Circle voted to include two dedicated and longtime active
members as United Methodist Women Honorary Members. Betty Lilley and Jackie Taylor have
demonstrated devotion to the ideals of the United Methodist Women through their attendance
at meetings and many volunteer hours in support of the Circle’s fundraising efforts including
bake sales, Easter Egg making, the annual craft show, and church yard sale. Previously, Betty and
Jackie were presented with UMW Life Membership pins. These ladies put their Christian faith
into practice over the years, and their efforts are appreciated by the membership of the Day




View the embedded image gallery online at:

Click images to enlarge

ladies book club sign

The Book Club meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday from 10:00 am - 11:30 am in Room 205. For more information contact Emma Jean Brady or Nell Owen. This group is currently not meeting.

Sit and Stitch Ladies Group meet to fellowship and quilt or crochet blankets and shawls for shut-ins, the homeless and children in hospitals. Meetings are held on Mondays 10:00 am - 11:00 am in Room 205 or FLC lobby. Contact MaryJane Richter for more information.

sit and stitch ladies

sit and stitich ladies 2

 sit and stitch ladies 1

Come join in fellowship and have dinner with your church family.

Wednesday Evening Suppers are served from 5:30-6:30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, September through May (no December supper). Cost-$4.00 p/p. Desserts are available for $1.00.

Please call ahead to reserve a spot. Pay at the door.

Call the office to RSVP for a season @ 357-3373.  


Choir09/18/24Ham, Potato
Salad, Green Beans
Day Circle10/09/24Salad & Lasagna
Fellowship Class
& Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
NO SUPPERDecember 
Methodist Men
01/08/25Breakfast for Dinner
Youth02/12/25Meatball Subs &
United Women
of Faith
03/12/25Chicken & Beef
Seekers04/09/25Salad & Lasagna
Tenders, Potato Salad, Green Beans
NO SUPPERSJune/July/August