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January 2025

 “Because they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they went back to their own country by another route”. Matthew 2:12 The story of the Magi fascinates me because it is sometimes similar to the journeys we encounter in life and a message of hope for the begin ning of a new year.

These wise people traveled for many miles because they saw a star in the sky announcing the newborn king and chose to find him so they could worship him.

Their determination inspires us to see the signs of God’s action in this new year. It motivates us to search for God’s presence and take time to worship him.

It amazes me their obedience to the signs they received from God. First, the star in the sky stirred their hearts so they left their country and traveled many miles on a long journey to the west.

In the same way, when we pay attention to God’s signs in our lives and his call in our hearts, we find the courage to start new journeys that will bring us closer to God and in peaceful relations with others.

However, after their encounter with Herod the Magi realized that the King did not know the meaning of God’s sign neither his leaders or the people in the city. On the contrary, Herod was deeply disturbed, therefore the whole city got troubled and confused too.

We will find people in our lives who do not notice God’s signs and do not understand God’s call, getting increasingly afraid of the future and disturbed about what they see.

However, God's signs always rise above all confusion and frustration of the people. When the star rose again brought great joy to their hearts. God’s presence brings joy, renewal, restoration, and affirmation to his people that we can trust in his love and his plan for our lives.

For the Magi, finding Jesus, worshiping him, and giving him gifts was the purpose of the whole journey. However, it was not the end of the story. The Magi were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, so they changed plans, reorganized things, searched for a new route, and returned to their country in another way.

Changes in the journey can frustrate us sometimes, but when God sends us in a different way, we can trust it will fulfill our lives and keep us in the path of light. May this new year bring joy to our hearts and give us the courage to walk in the shadow of the almighty as we serve his people wherever we go.

Blessings! Rev. Ileana Rosario